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Interested in buying my book?
I created this custom tracker for your home-brewed kombucha adventures, so you can make each batch your best yet. It's got helpful reference charts, my master brew recipes, troubleshooting guides and so much more. I modeled the logbook pages after my own journals I used as I built up my kombucha knowledge over the years! The logbook is a great companion piece to all the resources I provide here at youbrewkombucha.com.
*Affiliate link.

About You Brew Kombucha
You Brew Kombucha is the most comprehensive YouTube channel and website for kombucha homebrewers who want to do it all themselves – without relying on a kit or some online brewing store to tell them how to do it (and buy their products while you’re at it!).
There's a lot of misinformation out there about kombucha. And even though it's simple once you get the hang of it, you need a great foundation of solid facts to get you started on the right foot.
When I started out, I couldn't find a single source of understandable, science-based, in-depth kombucha videos and articles (that wasn't trying to sell me on a bunch of products or fear-mongering). There are a lot of sources for information, but they don't always give you all the details and context you need to set you up for success. So that's what I want to make available for you here at YBK.
I scoured books, sites and videos, and I talked to home brewers and commercial brewers. And I've gone through a lot of trial-and-error to test different methods for creating kombucha. What you'll find here are my tips to make the most delicious kombucha, most resilient cultures and most consistent carbonation in every bottle. You can also purchase my book, The Kombucha Crafter's Logbook, which is a great companion piece to all the free resources I provide here at You Brew Kombucha. It's a custom designed journal you can use to track each batch, learn from your own process and make each brew better than the last.
I hope you find this useful for your home brewing journey. If you do find it useful, I'd be beyond grateful if you left me a tip below.
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